Relaxing Dental Visits for Every Patient

Sedation Dentistry

Often times, people may be in desperate need of dental care, but are too afraid to go to the dentist. Millions of Americans jeopardize their smiles and oral health because they dread visiting the dentist. For our patients who feel particularly nervous, anyone with a strong gag response, or those who wish to condense extensive dental work into as few visits as possible, we offer sedation dentistry. Dr. Gillespie and Dr. Felicetta can administer oral sedation, such as Oral Versed or can prescribe an anti-anxiety medication. Dr. Felicetta is also licensed in the administration of IV sedation, also referred to as “twilight sedation” or “conscious sedation” in the office. We also work with an anesthesiologist that can administer a deeper level of general anesthesia in the office as well.

After a review of your medical history, and a consult with your MD if necessary, Dr. Gillespie and Dr. Felicetta will determine the best type of sedation dentistry for you. Regardless of the sedation dentistry option we select, a team member will continuously monitor your vital signs throughout the treatment.

Sedation dentistry can include the following:

Sedation Dentistry in Liberty Hill, Texas

Nitrous Oxide

A colorless, sweet-smelling gas, nitrous oxide dispels any anxiety patients may feel. You breathe in nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, through a mask that rests over your nose. Once we turn off the gas, its effects will begin fading immediately.

Oral Sedation

For oral sedation, patients take a dose of an anti-anxiety medication about an hour before the appointment. With oral sedation, you can respond to any given commands or questions but will not likely recall events while the drug is in effect.

Oral Sedation Combined with Nitrous

To enhance your level of sedation, we can combine oral sedation and nitrous oxide. You will take the medication before you arrive. A team member will escort you to the treatment area, and we will begin administering the nitrous oxide gas at that time. You will feel no lingering impact from the nitrous oxide, but the medication will remain in your system for several hours.

IV Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation refers to the administering of an anti-anxiety drug through the blood during your dental treatment. IV sedation provides the deepest level of relaxation intravenously. This type of sedation is often referred to as 'twilight' or 'sleep' dentistry. Although patients aren’t completely “under” during the procedure, many people feel so groggy that they fall asleep or remain in a “twilight” state. However, rather than putting you to sleep, the sedation helps you to relax and feel at peace during the procedure. IV sedation allows patients with certain medical or behavioral conditions to successfully undergo comprehensive treatment.

For any type of oral or IV sedation, a companion/driver will be required to accompany the patient to the appointment. It is required that the companion remain at the office during the procedure and will need to be able to drive the patient from the dental office once the procedure is complete and the patient has gone through the discharge process. In most cases, there will be post-operative instructions provided to the companion/driver and these instructions will be discussed when the patient has moved into recovery following the procedure.


Does IV Sedation put you to sleep?

IV sedation is deeper than both nitrous gas sedation, which is inhaled, and oral sedation, which is swallowed in the form of a pill or liquid, but it does not put you fully to sleep in the way that general anesthesia does.

What do I have to do to prepare for IV sedation?

1.     You may not eat or drink anything, including water, for 6 hours prior to the appointment. Because of this, we will typically schedule these procedures as morning procedures. 

2.     If you have an illness such as a fever, cold, sore throat or stomach illness, please notify the office. 

3.     If you routinely take medications, please discuss with your provider prior to the surgery date for instructions specific to your care.

4.     Wear short sleeved, loose fitting, comfortable clothing and closed toed shoes.

5.     Please remove fingernail polish.

6.     If you wear contact lenses, please use glasses instead.

7.     The patient should not operate a vehicle or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours following the procedure/anesthesia experience.

Is it safe for my child to use IV sedation for their dental work?

In order for sedation to be safe, certain protocols are critical and many factors must be carefully weighed……….The safety of our patients is our top priority. Not all cases will meet the criteria for IV sedation in our practice. A thorough discussion will be had at your child’s comprehensive exam weighing all of your options and determining what direction will work best. At Liberty Hill Dental, we do not sedate children under the age of 13. Dr. Gillespie and Dr. Felicetta will discuss alternative sedation options that would work best for your child’s needs. If it has been determined that IV sedation is the best option to be able to effectively treat your child, we will refer your child out to a pediatric specialist for further treatment.

Will I feel any pain with sedation?

No. You do not feel pain with sedation. Dr. Gillespie and Felicetta use a combination of sedation and anesthetic that helps keep you relaxed and pain free throughout your procedure.

Will I remember anything with conscious sedation?

Once the sedation begins, you may fall asleep or just become very tired. With any of the sedation methods, you will be able to respond to verbal cues. After conscious sedation, you may not remember much from your procedure. During recovery, when the procedure is over, you will easily be able to respond to people in the room.